

ネイサン ダッカー(DUCKER Nathan)

所属 人文学部 国際文化学科 (言語?文化)
職位 教授
学位 応用言語学博士
学歴 アストン大学院 応用言語学博士後期課程修了
専門分野 異文化間コミュニケーション オーラルコミュニケーション
主な担当科目 異文化間コミュニケーション/リスニング/プレゼンテーション/ビジネス英語
  • 日本と西洋の文化的差異がどのように英語でのコミュニケーションを妨げるか
  • 日本人一定牛彩票网の英語コミュニケーション意欲は大学在学中にどのように変化するか
  • 効果的なエクステンシブ?リスニング?プログラムの指標は何か
研究キーワード 異文化間コミュニケーション 第二言語コミュニケーション意欲 エクステンシブリスニング 形成的評価 多文化主義
  • JALT(全国語学教育学会)
  • JALT 学習者ディベロプメント研究部会
  • AILA(国際応用言語学会)
  • Reviewer for APU Journal of Language Research
  • ESS(English Speaking Society)へボランティアとして参加
  • 英語スピーチコンテストのボランティア審査委員
  • JALT国際会議の研究発表記録集レビューを担当
  • 平成25年熊本県教育委員会主催「JETプログラム外国語指導助手の指導力等向上研修」にて、講師養成のプレゼンテーションを行う
  • 学術評論家Reviewer for: Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning; Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching; International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching; Computers and Education Open; Language Teaching Research; Studies in Second Language Acquisition; Frontiers in Psychology
受賞 2013 Best of JALT賞を受賞
口頭発表題目「Successful Language Learners: Willingness to Communicate and Class Participation」
その他 2023-2026: Investigating the dynamic nature of listening comprehension in EMI lectures: A comparison of Japan, Hong Kong, and Sweden. JSPS科研費 基盤研究(B)(一般),5,200万円, (PI),

2023-2026:The effect of synchronous computer-mediated and face-to-face communication modes on second language learner engagement in collaborative pre-task planning for problem-solving task performances: Inter-individual and intra-individual perspectives, Hong Kong Resrearch Grants Council, General Research Fund and Early Career Scheme, (Co-I), $HK672,500,

2018: Cross-cultural Study of Notetaking: Trends and Innovations. The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education and The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences. Collaborating Researcher:

2014: Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Academic Subsidy for Facilitating Extensive Listening in EFL programs - The International Journal of Innovation in ELT & Research, 3(2) 560 USD With Saunders, M.

2013:年立命館アジア太平洋大学 ファカルティ?イニシャティブ?プログラム(FIP)学術研究助成金(¥733,824)を授与 Edlin, C講師と共同研究プロジェクト「Improvement of the oral assessment cycle through video feedback and enhanced autonomous learning materials」
メッセージ Love what you do and you will succeed!!
主な著書?論文 著書
  • Benchmarking: Situational Autonomous Reviews
    J.D. Brown (Ed.) New Ways of Classroom Assessment, revised. (TESOL International Association)
  • Writing a Course Review
    J.D. Brown (Ed.) New Ways of Classroom Assessment, revised. (TESOL International Association)
  • Theories of Intercultural Communication, 2015
    Self-published textbook for university courses.
  • Teaching everyone to fish: Developing formative feedback procedures in classroom oraltests with Brown, J.D., & Posselius, M. In Barfield, A., Minematsu, A., (Eds.). Learner Development Working Papers: Different Cases, Different Interests, Learner Development. Special Interest Group of the Japan Association of Language Teachers, Tokyo. 11 / 2014. (pp. 58 - 79).
  • Preparations: Intercultural Conversation Praactice for Japanese Students, 2016
    Self-published textbook for university courses.
    Re-evaluating Work Skills in the EFL Curriculum in Japanese Universities
    Journal of International Relations vol.29 (4), Nihon University,02 / 2009
  • Ducker, N. T. (2024). Schr?dinger's turn: An interactional examination of willingness to communicate and talk in codependent and competitive group talk. Modern Language Journal, 108, 322-352.
  • Ducker, N. T. (2024). Capturing the situated, dynamic nature or EMI-lecture listening comprehension in real time. Journal of English-Medium Instruction, Online First.
  • Ducker, N.T. (2022). A situated examination of the complex dynamic nature of L2 listening in EMI. Language Teaching Research. DOI: 10.1177/13621688221124439
  • MacIntyre, P. D., & Ducker, N. T. (2022) The idiodynamic method: A practical guide for researchers, Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, Volume 1, Issue 2, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rmal.2022.100007.
  • Ducker, N. T. (2022).Bridging the gap between willingness to communicate and learner talk. The Modern Language Journal DOI: 10.1111/modl.12764
  • Ducker, N. T. (2021). Protecting and enhancing willingness to communicate with idiodynamic peer-peer strategy sharing, System, 103, 102634. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2021.102634
  • Nonverbal Communication Differences (The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching), 2020
  • Perceptions of silence in the classroom (The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching), 2020
  • Variety, Volatility, Intensity: Understanding Key Characteristics of Individual Learner Differences( Teacher efficacy, learner agency.), 2020
  • Ducker, N. T. (2019). Willingness to communicate. The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. DOI: 10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0980
  • Ducker, N. T. (2019). English as a medium of instruction. The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. DOI: 10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0968
  • Academic English and content development thorough ethnographic research projects (Asian EFL Journal, CLiL special Edition, Professional teaching Articles. 第15巻4号,95-101)
  • Ducker, N.T. Facilitating Extensive Listening in EFL programs - with Saunders, M. The International Journal of Innovation in ELT & Research, 3(2), 2014, (pp. 201 - 214.)
  • Ducker, N.T., & Saunders M. Extensive Listening: Using Authentic Materials with Saunders, M.
    N. Sonda & A. Krause (Eds.), JALT2013 Conference Proceedings. Tokyo: JALT,08 / 2013 (pp. 383 - 394).
  • Group Dynamics: Giving your Course a Beginning and End
    The Language Teacher vol.37 (4), publication of the Japan Association for Language Teaching, 07 / 2013
  • Development Beyond the Classroom - with Higginbotham, Szirmai, Ikeda, Nakamura, Mboutsiadis & Porter.
    Literacy: Signals of Emergence, Japan Association for Language Teaching PAN-SIG conference proceedings, 02 / 2013, pp. 102 - 110
  • Pre- and Posttest Washback in Paired Oral Classroom Assessments (『Making a difference』N. Sonda & A. Krause (Eds.) 2012年JALT(全国語学教育学会)国際会議研究発表記録集)
  • Self-directed Internet-based Extensive Listening Portfolios (『Making a difference』N. Sonda & A. Krause (Eds.) 2012年JALT(全国語学教育学会)国際会議研究発表記録集)
  • Learning to do Internet Research Properly
    The Language Teacher vol.36 (6), publication of the Japan Association for Language Teaching, 11 / 2012
  • Maxims for Developing Students' and Teachers' Learning Experiences
    Learning Learning 19 (3), publication of the Learner Development Special Interest Group of the Japan Association for Language Teaching, autumn 2012
  • Enriching the Curriculum with Task-Based Learning
    Polyglossia 22, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, 03 / 2012
  • Oral Communication Practice for Students who Read too much in Presentations
    The Language Teacher vol.35 (5), publication of the Japan Association for Language Teaching, 09 / 2011
  • The Real Role of the Native English Speaker in Japanese Junior and Senior High Schools
    The School House vol.18 (2), publication of the Junior and Senior High Schools Special
    Interest Group of the Japan Association for Language Teaching , 09 / 2010
  • The Necessary Cultural Component of English Education in Japan
    Journal of International Relations vol.30 (1), Nihon University,10 / 2009
  • Ducker, N.T. (2024) Uncovering the complex dynamic nature of listening comprehension: Expanding horizons with two new methodologies. Expanding Horizons: Psychology of Language Learning (PLL5) conference. National Distance Education Universtiy, Madrid. May 16th-May 18th, 2024.
  • Ducker, N.T. & MacIntyre, P.D. (2023). The Idiodynamic Method: Online Workshop. Convened by The International Association of Psychology of Language Learning Research Methods SIG.
  • Ducker, N.T., (2023, July 15th). Capturing the situated, dynamic nature of EMI-lecture comprehension in real-time. The JALT listening SIG conference, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Ducker, N.T. (2022, November 23-24). Idiodynamic Peer-Peer strategy training for willingness to communicate. The Fourth International Conference on Situating Strategy Use: Strategic Learning in an Uncertain World, Wellington, New Zealand.
  • Ducker, N.T. (2022, November 11-14). Understanding the dynamic and multi-sensory nature of EMI Lectures. The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) 48th international conference: Learning from Students, Educating Teachers--Research and Practice, Fukuoka, Japan.
  • Ducker, N.T. (2022, June 19-25). Bridging the gap between willingness to communicate and learner talk [Paper presentation]. International Association for the Psychology of Language Learning 4th International Conference (PLL4), Nova Scotia, Canada.
  • Ducker, N.T. (December, 2021). An agentive approach to promoting classroom talk RILAE 7th Lab session. Agency and learner autonomy. Kanda University of International Studies, The Research Institute for Learner Autonomy Education, Japan.
  • Ducker, N.T. (November, 2021). Strategies to Enhance and Protect WTC: A Peer-to-Peer Investigation, Japan Association for Language Teaching Online National Conference. Japan.
  • Ducker, N.T. (August 15th-20th, 2021). Representations of psychometric data (and non-verbal processes) in classroom talk. AILA world congress, online: Applied linguistics on the dynamics of language, communication and culture in a changing world. Groningen, The Netherlands.
  • Ducker, N.T. (November, 2020). Evaluating learner readiness for EMI, Japan Association for Language Teaching Online National Conference. Japan.
  • Student Perceptions of Learner Differences, JALT(全国語学教育学会) 第45回年次国際大会(愛知県), 2019年11月
  • Strategy Conflict: Balancing L1 Identities with L2 Task Requirements, 第3回外国語学習ストラテジー研究国際学会(3rd International Conference on Situating Strategy Use; SSU3)(大阪府), 2019年10月